Privacy Policy

What is Included in the Privacy Policy?

If you decide to verify your reservation with an airline through Wingstar Travels you are agreeing with the Wingstar Travels Terms and Conditions. Wingstar Travels Terms and Conditions and ensure that you have review our privacy policy on our website. The Privacy Policy we describe how we collect information from you and the way we use it through our site mobile apps, as well as other apps. We also update the Privacy Policies in the past from Time to Time as needed.

Data Collected by Wingstar Travels of Users:

• Name email address, telephone number home, business, along with email addresses, of users.

• Passport Information While Booking Tickets.

• Information about payments, like the number of the payment card, the date of expiration and billing address.

• Preferences to Flight Booking in relation to the priority and needs like the most sought-after destination and the type of accommodation along with other specifics.

• Information about the membership.

• Birth date and gender.

• Geolocation.

• Images, videos and other recordings.

• IDs for social media accounts as well as other public information.

• Communication through us (such recording phone conversations between Customer Service representatives to ensure quality or training to be used for training purposes).

• Transactions, search and other interactions you have with us through our websites and apps.

These are the transactions, searches and other activities are carried out through the platform.

• Travel Companions.

Important Information:

The website is an unaffiliated Travel Agency in the USA and we do not represent any specific airline to provide their services. To protect the privacy and security of our clients, we will not share any personal details or reservation details of our customers to any third party on our website.

Why do We Collect Personal Information?

We collect personal information as well as other information only if they've given us consent. If they do not give us permission we do not collect any information. We strive to enhance the experience of browsing on our site for our users and also to provide the best services for travel to meet their requirements. That's the reason we collect personal information from our users.

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